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The Oatley Park Castle is a stone building with a castle–like appearance. It was built by men on work relief schemes during the Great Depression (1929–1932) and has been used as a kiosk in the past. Similar structures were built in the other parklands throughout Australia around this period, and are solid reminders of the practice of decorating, rather than blending in with the bush, which was then in vogue.

Most of the tracks and roads in Oatley Park were built at the same time, significantly altering the naturalness of the park.

The view from the kiosk looks across Jewfish Bay and down the Georges River to Como Railway Bridge.

Tall smooth–barked Apples (Angophoras Costata) frame the scene. They are easily recognised by their grey to pink trunks, which exude a deep red gum known as ‘kino’. Growing in the small grassy picnic area are two types of Wattles; Cootamundra Wattle and Queensland Silver Wattle, which were introduced from other parts of Australia. The red flowering Coral Trees also grow along the shoreline, attracting Wattlebirds and other nectar loving birds.

The tracks just below the Castle lead to the Oatley Park Tidal Baths.